Gabriel Barrett

Gabriel Barrett

Gabriele Barettin was born musically in 1982 at the age of eight when his parents, feeling the  essence a of vibrant artistic curiosity and a keen talent for music, bought  a piano for him. A great love story with the music started this way. His studies began with the private teachings of Master Walter Fischetti, full professor, in that period, at  the Conservatory of L’Aquila.In 1993 he enrolled in the “Popular School of Music” in Testaccio, Rome. At the same time began working as a consultant in setting up some shows of musical theater seasons of the Teatro dei Cocci, from 1993-1996. Attending the School of Testaccio began studying Afro-American music, under the guide of renowned Italian jazz musicians: Carlo Cittadini, Silverio Cortese, Sandro Satta. With the band Robby Dread and Good Vibration participates in two editions of the international reggae music event “Rototom SunSplash” in  Osoppo. After the reggae period, Gabriele Barettin takes part in a latin-jazz project of unreleased music with  the “La Pellicola Band”, playing with the Cuban percussion master Umberto Oviedo in numerous clubs of Rome, and participating in various live events such as the “Italian Song Festival of Monaco of Bavaria “and “Mars Live”.This strong commitment to music is complemented by further collaborations as musical director and pianist with several live theater companies.Several times he plays both new songs and original arrangements of  published songs in the most famous theaters in Rome.In the same period, he decides to undertake the study of the piano accordion, which he plays live in his most “popular” performances.