This album is a path full of contaminations where no element loses its peculiarities and the importance is always given to music and its most creative forms both in the rhythmic and timbric aspect. Pay close attention to the programming of the drums, to the very natural movements and to the very warm sounds typical of jazz with strong Latin-American accents.
The CD Life Emission Display plays with the computer without ever losing sight of the melody, the strong point and root of Mediterranean music, which can be the characterizing element of this project in the international electro-jazz scene.
All the songs are born from the hands of Sebastiano (multi-instrumentalist and graduated in classical clarinet) or from the meeting between him and Roby J. C. and are enriched from time to time by the precious interventions of excellent musicians. We move from the jazz-bossa piece of: “You Turn”, in which we can appreciate Tony Cattano on the trombone and Sabatino Matteucci on the sax to: “A Clave” and “Bossa de Saudade” (here in the electronic remix version), with the participation of Liliana Gimenez on vocals, or again “Triste-Alegre”, a tribute to Brazil that has a lot to do with travel (the voice here is by Carla Mancinelli). We introduce the acid funk of ’70s origin of songs like “Oh let me know your love” (again guests Sabatino Matteucci and Carla Mancinelli).
“Taormina Chase” is a tribute to the cinematography of the ’60s and the fantastic soundtracks that characterize it so much. Jo Morello’s trumpet together with Sebastiano’s acid guitars give a decidedly retro touch to this song.
Always with an eye to the funk of the past but with various electronic contaminations, “Rolling Box”, “Street Cooking” (with Rino Cirinnà on sax and Clara Forte on vocals) and “Central Funk Park” (with Paolo Innarella on sax and Carla Mancinelli on vocals) let us savor the groovy vein of L..E..D.
“Walking Sofà” (on piano we listen to Marco Genovese) and “Inside” let us discover the dreamier vein of the project, in which the journey can also be made with your eyes closed looking for the destination in your heart. “Frisco Party”, “Let Me Shine” and “Let True in Love” represent the most electronic and easy part of the album, borrowing harmonies, solos and sounds from jazz.
In January 2005 Sebastiano played at the presentation show of the “social forum mundial” in Porto Alegre, on the same stage as Gilberto Gil, and Manu Chao.
Enjoy and have a good listening!