The travel and it’s preparation are essential parts of the idea behind the “Safariways” project.
Preparation viewed as the learning and the knowledge of places and cultures involved in the discovery.
The assimilation being another important element both in the preparation and later, on the way back phase.
The exchange and the osmosis of the inner elements that we carried before the travel and those assimilated throughout the visions, the pure air, the new evolving sounds, the tastes and the various ranges of light from both different steps and intensity.
The “searching” is already a “finding” status sometimes and there is nothing better than new places for our eyes and our ears.
Past but deeply rooted civilisations still linger in “alternative” cultures in the tales and visual memories of the populations especially where the nature and the seasons have kept a strong link.
The routes of the Safari are seen here as a sort of “soundcatching” or “soundwatching” experience.
The sound of this CD is inspired by and includes all these elements; rocks, minerals, trees, waters, wind, craters, red sands and sands silver…A kind of return to the basic roots detoxicating the sound in order to make it cleaner and closer to a direct, spontaneous and authentic communication. The styles contemplated by the artist for “obscured by light” range from Nujazz to downbeat and world-groove.
The project was brought up and lead by the founder of Funky Juice Rec and co-partner of the better known group: “Barrio Jazz Gang: Roby Colella.