This project was born from the collaboration of musicians whose individual experiences meet in the live dimension that creates a strong energy with the audience, allowing the group to express themselves completely. The fundamental themes of the record work focus in two directions: the woman and her emancipation, through love relationships in all its aspects. The essence of nature to be defended and preserved for a reunion with our deepest being, the songs tell moments of life of independent and free women who no longer believe in fairy tales and moved by their pride and their wisdom walk with their heads held high.
After many wrong relationships and negative experiences, the woman comes out stronger and renewed ready to move forward with optimism and confidence. The rediscovered love and the passion that makes us overcome everything and makes us fly is one of the main themes of the album together with nature, a great invaluable source of well-being, which shows its bright colors and its perfect balance and needs to be safeguarded, especially for future generations. The album reflects the artist’s intimate characteristics, her will and determination to move forward, with music and in life despite the many common difficulties. The sensitivity towards certain retro musical atmospheres and the passion for the great singers of the black-soul scene have guided Jade throughout her life and we hope that the authenticity of her music will reach you deep in your soul.
There Is A Light
AlbumThis project was born from the collaboration of musicians whose individual experiences meet in the live dimension that creates a strong energy with the audience, allowing the group to express themselves completely. The fundamental themes of the record work focus in two directions: the woman and her emancipation, through love relationships in all its aspects. The essence of nature to be defended and preserved for a reunion with our deepest being, the songs tell moments of life of independent and free women who no longer believe in fairy tales and moved by their pride and their wisdom walk with their heads held high.